IBEW Local Union 21
IBEW Local Union 21

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IBEW 21 – AT&T Reach Agreement to Resolve Surplus
Nov 02, 2016

November 2, 2016

On September 15, 2016 AT&T declared a surplus.  Since the declaration IBEW 21 leadership and AT&T have been in discussions to alleviate the surplus.  Your IBEW 21 leadership has reached a non-precedent setting agreement with management to resolve the surplus.

The current surplus will be resolved by offering TFS surplus employees Regular Full-Time positions in Construction & Engineering (C&E). The offers will be made via a canvass of active employees in the surplus work groups to C&E positions within the same RCA, then to positions in other RCA’s. 

These job offers are being made in lieu of completing the Surplus Displacement Process.  The results of the previous canvass to displace less-senior employees within the FAA have been cancelled, and employees that participated in that preference will now be recanvassed for the C&E positions.

The agreement will also rebalance headcount in C&E which will reduce C&E headcount in certain locations and job titles and transfer employees to other locations and job titles within C&E.  The rebalance process will be to C&E positions within the same RCA, then to positions in other RCA’s. 

The C&E employees in long locations and the TFS employees in surplus locations will be combined by seniority for selection in the preference process for the C&E positions.  If there are insufficient volunteers the Company will then involuntarily transfer employees by inverse seniority from any remaining long locations into remaining positions that have not been filled by volunteers. 

This was a long process and this message only contains a brief summary of what has taken and what will be taking place over the next six weeks.  Members who have questions should contact their Chief Steward or Business Representative for more complete detailed information and attend the November Union meetings.  Dates and times for the meetings can be found here.

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local Union 21
4701 Auvergne
Lisle, IL 60532

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